Auto Insurance
What is Auto Insurance?

What is auto insurance?
In the event of an accident or theft, you and the insurance provider have a contract that protects you financially. The insurance company promises to cover your damages in accordance with your policy in exchange for a premium payment from you.
When it comes to auto insurance, you’re covered for:
- Property – such as vehicle damage or theft
- Liability – damages to property or physical harm that you are legally liable for
- Medical – the cost of treatment and rehabilitation as well as missed wages and the cost of a loved one’s burial
Ubderstans Medicare
How does Auto Insurance work?
You can protect yourself financially if your vehicle is destroyed or stolen, you are hurt in an accident, or you are at fault for an accident that causes bodily harm or property damage if you have the right policy. Car insurance can help you fulfill any state or lender-mandated minimum coverage requirements.
What is automobile insurance and how does it work?

What is automobile insurance and how does it work?
Automobile damage is covered, as is financial protection in the event you are held responsible for someone else’s injuries or damages. If you or your passengers are injured in an accident or you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, your medical bills may be covered by your auto insurance.